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What is Digital Marketing?

Harry Swayne

Since the evolution of the internet, as well as technology, many businesses have looked to utilise them to increase business output and income. And so Digital Marketing was born!

But what is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing allows businesses to reach targeted customers more easily and includes the use of resources like:

  • Mobile devices
  • Social media
  • Search engines

By using the wide range of tools available, businesses can monitor and learn about their customers, by monitoring behaviour and interaction with brands.

It’s good to note that Digital Marketing does not solely refer to online technology. It also refers to television, SMS, radio, and electronic billboards.

For businesses and their customers, it is a fantastic tool.

From a business perspective, it allows for the monitoring of client acquisition. For customers, it allows them to interact with businesses, whether they are recently discovering the business via research or they are looking to purchase a service or product.

Types of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing can be broken down into multiple sub-categories, referred to as  Channels:

  • Website Marketing: When it comes to the process of Digital Marketing, a website is a central element to all campaigns. A good website is fast to navigate, easy to use, and of course mobile-friendly.
  • Email Marketing: One of the most effective channels. Email Marketing is a more communicative way to build a relationship with potential customers who have shown an interest in your brand.
    Many digital marketers will utilise the other channels to acquire leads for their email lists and then funnel them into customer acquisition. This can then result in the conversion of leads into customers.
  • Social Media Marketing: The primary goal of Social Media Marketing is to create brand awareness and establish trust between the company and its followers (customers). Social media can be used in multiple ways, for example, to acquire leads for Email Marketing or make direct sales.
  • Mobile Marketing: Mobile Marketing refers to the utilisation of apps, and app stores, to gain a larger pool of interest from customers. Considering that there are thousands of apps and millions of customers, it is an extremely useful resource to expand the target audience.
Since the evolution of the internet, as well as a whole array of technology, many businesses have looked to utilise them to increase business output and income.

Challenges with Digital Marketing

Like with most things, there are still challenges.

The most common being that they are constantly growing in number. So, the task for businesses is how to consistently stay ahead of competitors as well as staying up to date on how channels work.

Businesses will also need to keep track of what is and isn’t working on each channel as well as reviewing how the marketing is being received.

Another challenge is the vast amount of data available to review customer behaviours. While it is a good thing too, it could be challenging to decipher and utilise to positively impact the business.

Knowing where to find the data and how to use it to adapt your strategy is key to business growth. But do not worry, there are several recourses available to help people just starting out.

 The Benefits of Digital Marketing?

In comparison to traditional marketing methods, Digital Marketing presents us with so much potential!

  • Greater Geographic Reach and Cost – Compared to traditional marketing, digital can boast a greater geographic reach, and for a cheaper cost too!
  • Less Restrictive – Traditional Marketing methods such as Newspaper and Television ads, can be restrictive in terms of who sees your ads and what you can include in them. There is a high cost attached to traditional marketing as well.

Digital Marketing equals Growth

When creating and implementing a business strategy, Digital Marketing should be one of your primary focuses. Especially if you want to grow the business as much as possible.

Easy communication with customers, personal messaging, innovation, and relevant data is beneficial to any business.

If you are looking for support with your next digital marketing campaign, we’d love to hear from you!

For more helpful tips and insights from our founder, Natalie, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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